The PEC meetings, first established in 2017, aim at furthering the dialogue between the Executive Board and the wider membership as a means to deepen engagement and input around decision-making.

This latest meeting comes as football continues to grapple with longstanding challenges, challenges that have been further highlighted and exacerbated by COVID-19 and which require urgent and detailed consideration to ensure outcomes that will not just meet short term needs, but provide solid foundations to secure the game’s sustainable future.

This is the responsibility all football stakeholders are faced with at this most critical time in the game’s history, and one on which ECA is focusing its full attention and resources.

ECA’s Executive Board is keen therefore to gather feedback and input from the ECA’s membership as a means to help it shape ECA positions across key topics in an informed and inclusive manner.

Topics that were addressed included:

  • The future of the International Match Calendar post 2024
  • Evolution of UEFA’s Financial Fair Play Regulations
  • UEFA Club Competitions post 2024
  • Administration development and member services 

The Executive Board will reflect on the exchanges and feedback received as it continues its work in developing ECA positions across all of these critical matters which will form the basis of exchanges with FIFA and UEFA in reaching outcomes to secure football’s long-term stability, sustainability and success.